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Why to use PTM

About PTM
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I would like to explain what the Performance Treasure Map (hereafter referred to as PTM) is and why I devised this map (concept). Rather than “what to use it for” or “how to use it,” I will first suggest “why to use it” here.

Why PTM is needed

“What’s this training for?”

Have you ever had this experience?

In the daily life, I found myself training for the sake of training, and training itself became the goal…

At least many of us have had similar experiences.

Did the trainers and coaches have clear guidelines to guide them (as well as the athletes themselves)? Did they have an unshakable solution (as well as the athletes themselves)?

No matter what position one is in when one finds oneself in a situation where one loses sight of one’s current position (existence) and goal (purpose), one is struck with a tremendous sense of discomfort.

Alfred Adler, the famous psychologist, had this to say about purpose.

“Without a sense of meaning nothing has a meaning

Alfred Adler

For those pursuing performance improvement, I believe the concept of PTM serves the following roles.

(1) Never lose sight of the purpose (treasure)
(2) Increase efficiency to achieve the objective (treasure) (meaningful segmentation allows for an integrated approach)
(3) Showing the way things should be (removal of overwhelming discomfort) when the purpose (treasure) has been lost.

The “compass” motif
*The logo also includes images of
a wide variety of competitions.

New premise > New technology

Thomas Myers, the author of Anatomy Train, has this to say.

“What is needed now is not a new technique, but a new premise leading to a new strategy for the application. And it is much more difficult to obtain useful new premises than apparent new techniques.”

Thomas W. Myers

I do not mean to deny the new technology, but these words were exactly what I felt when I heard them.

PTM is not about sharing technology, but about sharing concepts and assumptions.

PTM embodies the sharing of these concepts and assumptions using digital technology. In addition, the use of mind maps made it possible to verbalize thoughts. This also made it possible to acquire a common language simultaneously.

Click here to register for MindMeister!

Breaking away from the methodology

The pen is there for the writing, not the writing for the pen.”

This is famous… 

I would like to say, but these are my words.

What I want to say is that “the pen is a means (method) for the purpose of writing, not the essence”.

What kind of pen to use, and whether it needs to be a pen in the first place (you can write with your finger in the sand, etc…) I believe that this is something that changes from time to time.

One point of universal fact is that “there is a purpose to writing”.

Recently, various new techniques (methodologies) have been proposed in the world of training and care. Of course, I believe that all of them are wonderful ideas that were conceived with great passion by their creators.

When I was a student, I thought that learning those skills was meaningful in itself.

But now, we are very careful not to make “collecting methodologies” an objective. This is because the technology utilized in training and care is a pen, not the essence (purpose).

In addition, while there are many diagrams like the one below that show the interrelationships and relationships among elements, we feel that there are few diagrams that clearly show what they ultimately lead to.

Element-related diagram (image)
This is a very important idea in training, but dissociation from the objective is a concern.

Although it is essential to connect the elements, athletes are not looking to improve the elements, but to improve their performance (they do not want to improve their muscle strength, but to improve their performance (e.g., jump higher) and win the game).

PTM first clarifies the essence, the purpose (treasure), so that the factors and elements that are classified and subdivided from there will have meaning.

I believe that there would be infinitely less reliance on methodology with the PTM concept and the Original K-Map, the first map created with that concept.

And also the importance of technology (method)

Only when there is a clear set of objectives and a classification or subdivision that ties into those objectives can the importance of the technology or product being baptized become more prominent.

After all, we need to choose some way to reach our goals. That is why we believe it is important to learn about great technologies and to utilize products.

And Ibelievethat PTM gives “more significance” to the technology and the product.

I learned these words when I was a college student(former French national team coach: Roger Lemerre).

“When you stop learning, you have to stop teaching.”

Roger Lemerre

As an athletic trainer, I want to continue to explore the essence and master the techniques.

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