About “Original K-Map”
“Jumping ability”, one of the fundamental skills for our performance, if we define “Jumping ability” as our “Treasure”, we have a variety of elements to get the “Treasure”.
Our” K-map” breaks down the venue to get the “Treasure” by categorizing the elements to show the “Treasure” HOW and WHY.
There are three strengths.
1. “K-Map” will help you to develop your insight to know not only HOW but also WHY, so that you will not lose your main purpose.
2. We use an online system and develop maps constantly, so “K-Map” continues evolving to meet your needs.
3. Scientific journals and/or videos explaining how to perform the training are tagged on each element in the “K-Map”, so this enables to organize the linked information and offers visualized information.
Again, PTM is not only to learn the elements (HOW) but also to show the venues to get the “Treasure” (WHY). We believe categorizing the elements with HOW and WHY is essential for a total approach to get the “Treasure”.
“Total approach” means integration of elements. Integration is to combine more than two elements.
However, please note that there is a limitation of “K-Map”. Because we categorize the elements, this sometimes mask the interaction between the elements, which supposed to exist.
Published maps
So far, there are five “K-Maps”, and more maps are coming soon.

We are in the process of making the map of “Change of direction (COD)” and other sports-specific maps.
✅ Jump
✅ Splint
✅ Squat(SQ)
✅ Deadlift(DL)
✅ Press-training
- You need to register “MindMeister” to purchase the “K-Map”.
- “MindMeister” is free for up to three maps.

Special Thanks
I would like to express my gratitude here to all those who have contributed their wisdom and love to the creation of the K-Map.
Naruto Yoshida (Teikyo Heisei University)/Ryo Ogaki (Teikyo Heisei University)
They are one the best educators as well as athletic trainers, supported the K-map.
Song-Gyu Ra (Tokushima University)
He advised me on the main physical characteristics/function of K-Map from the perspective of sports medicine (internal medicine) and exercise physiology.
Takahiro Matsutake (Kansai University)/ Mariko Soya (Kyusyu University)
They used their expertise to give me advice on the factors and elements of the nervous system, which was the biggest difficulty in K-Map.
Takeshi Sasaki (Judo wrestler: ALSOK)/Megumi Inoue (Tachiryu Conditioning Gym)
They gave the best demonstration in providing visual information (video production), which is an important point of K-Map.
Saaya Umeoka (, Doctorial program in University of Tsukuba, WIT)/Tomohito Sato (Doctorial program in University of Tsukuba)
The two experts in sports medicine, in the field of athletic trainers and in the field of education, showed their multi-talents to help edit videos.

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