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for Trainer

Corrective & Preparation

Corrective & Preparation Exercises are categorized as movements that elicit short-term responses, while training is defined as movements that promote long-term adaptations. Depending on the goal or the "treasure" you aim to achieve, the purpose and positioning of the same exercise may vary.
for Trainer

Recommendation Letter 【Naruto Yoshida】

We have received a recommendation letter for the Performance Treasure Map (PTM) from Professor Narito Yoshida of Teikyo Heisei University. A must-read for all students! What are PTM and K-Map as seen through the eyes of Professor Yoshida, who is actively engaged in education, research, and practical work?
for Trainer

The Deadlift【Overview Explanation】

This is an explanation of the overall concept of the deadlift within the Original K-Map, created using the framework of the Performance Treasure Map (PTM).It breaks down the abilities that can be developed through the deadlift and analyzes the elements and factors necessary to perform the movement effectively.
for Trainer

The Press 【Overview Explanation】

This is an explanation of the overall concept of the press within the Original K-Map, created using the framework of the Performance Treasure Map (PTM).It analyzes the abilities that can be developed through pressing and unpacks the elements and factors required to perform the movement effectively.
for Trainer

The Squat【Overview Explanation】

This is an overall description of squatting in the Original K-Map, created using the Performance Treasure Map (PTM) concept. It unravels the abilities that can be acquired through squatting, and the elements and factors necessary for squatting.
About K-Map

Sprinting Ability【Overview Explanation】

The Key to Improved Sprinting Performance is Right Here! The first map based on the Performance Treasure Map concept is the Original K-Map. Here is an overview of Sprint Ability.
About K-Map

Jumping Ability【Overview Explanation】

Here is the key to jump power improvement! The first map based on the Performance Treasure Map concept is the Original K-Map. Here is an overview of Jumping Ability.
for Trainer

How to use PTM

Explaining how to use Performance Treasure Map.【Know yourself/Unpack Key Factors/Meaningful Subdivision/Common Language and Visual Information】Here lie the clues to enhancing performance.
About PTM

Why to use PTM

This section explains what the Performance Treasure Map is and why we devised this map (concept). Rather than "what" or "how" to use it, we will first suggest "why" to use it.
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