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Letter of Recommendation 【Mariko SOYA】

九州大学の征矢茉莉子先生より、Performance Treasure Map(パフォーマンストレジャーマップ)の推薦状を頂きました。生体制御学・神経解剖学のスペシャリストからみたPTMそしてK-Mapの活用とは?『新しい分野横断型の教科書』
for Trainer

Recommendation Letter 【Naruto Yoshida】

We have received a recommendation letter for the Performance Treasure Map (PTM) from Professor Narito Yoshida of Teikyo Heisei University. A must-read for all students! What are PTM and K-Map as seen through the eyes of Professor Yoshida, who is actively engaged in education, research, and practical work?
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