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Dead Bug【Explanation】

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Crocodile Breathing【Explanation】

我々の最も原始的で初期の運動パターンは呼吸であるー。呼吸の原理原則を紐解き、スクワットの代償動作として見られるECSS (体幹部安定化戦略)と呼吸の関連性・オープンシザースシンドロームと呼吸の関連性を紹介しています。本記事では、正しいやり方を動画も合わせて解説して行きます。
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90/90 Breathing【Explanation】

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Movement Preparation【General Principle④】

What is Movement Preparation? It refers to exercises aimed at building a foundation for improving movement quality, such as activating muscles, proprioception, and the nervous system, as well as mastering movement patterns. Since "movement" is a key determinant of good performance and conditioning, this article will introduce the principles and fundamentals of exercises that serve as preparation for it.
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Respiration【General Principle③】

What is proper breathing? Diaphragmatic breathing? Thoracic breathing? Drawing in? Bracing? Various breathing methods are being discussed these days, but understanding how the ribcage and diaphragm move during breathing is key to comprehending correct breathing techniques. In this article, we will introduce the functions of the joints and muscles involved in breathing.
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Core【General principle②】

In training instruction, terms like "core," "inner unit," and "outer unit" are frequently mentioned. While there are various definitions, this blog defines them as the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex (LPHC), encompassing the lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip joint.
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Corrective & Preparation

Corrective & Preparation Exercises are categorized as movements that elicit short-term responses, while training is defined as movements that promote long-term adaptations. Depending on the goal or the "treasure" you aim to achieve, the purpose and positioning of the same exercise may vary.
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